Sofa Restoration

 Sofa Restoration When your sofa and chair upholstery starts to weaken you may think it’s time to replace the item or that a repair would cost a fortune. Don’t worry, a quality foam replacement and fitting can bring tired cushions back to life and is nearly always cost effective. When we take care of your worn out upholstery cushions, we take care of all the details, you need only book our appointments and we do the rest.

Our sofa restoration service includes:

  • Initial visit to take detailed measurements of your cushions
  • We fashion top quality foam with the right stonickette and dacron wrap to suit your cushions
  • Return visit to fit the new interiors whether that means zipping them into place or hand-stitching the seam depending on your whether you have loose or upholstered cushions.
sofa repairing gurgaon
sofa repair gurgaon
sofa restoration

Worn down seat cushions -sofa restoration

The seat upholstery takes the worst of the wear and tends to be the first area to loose it’s firmness. All foam degrades and springs snap eventually, when this happens the seat can become uncomfortable and you may start to feel like it’s over.

 We can efficiently replace cushion interiors with hard wearing interiors shaped specifically for your furniture. Our seat cushion replacements start ‘extra plump’, this is to allow the initial wear of a few months use to bring them into ideal condition.

 This ensures our replacements last as long as possible.

sofa restoration

Sagging sofa arm upholstery

The next most punished area of a sofa is usually the arms. 

There are a range of arm upholstery designs employed in different sofas and we can replace nearly all of them including those where a trained upholsterer experienced in hand stitching is required. 

With our initial visit we’ll assess and measure the arms so we can shape the right foam to the right profile. We return to fit these ideal foam interiors leaving your furniture arms bouncy and supportive.

sofa restoration

Back, head & foot rests cushion replacement

When other parts of your furniture upholstery have become soft, we can replace these too. 

Because we only employ highly skilled furniture technicians we can carefully replace most upholstered parts of most furniture including headrests, back cushions, footrest cushions and more. 

Our upholstery replacement work has included garden furniture, baby furnishings and even a dog house!

Sofa restoration Dining chair pads replaced

Dining chairs can be totally transformed with brand new custom made seat pads. We fashion pads that will fit perfectly using the very best foams shaped ideally for your chairs.

 Then there’s the enormous range of high quality commercial grade fabrics we can offer. As our customer you can browse an impressive array of swatches to pick out the perfect pattern, color and texture for you. 

In this picture our customer wanted a range of colors to match the artwork in her dining room/kitchen.

 The stylish aesthetic is achieved using the sort of hardwearing, stain resistant fabric preferred by the luxury hotel industry.

Sofa Repair

Foam cut to size

The art of getting the right shape and size of foam to suit your

needs is a little more involved than you might imagine. 

Measuring the correct size can be difficult and the profile of the foam is important too.

The profile is the curvature on the top and around the sides.

 A good upholstery technician understands the value of different profiles and

how best to achieve them for different types of furniture. 

We take shaping foam interiors seriously and take care to ensure great results every time.

sofa restoration


We change places, houses, insides and as we probably am aware change is just steady.

As indicated by our insides we like to change our furniture as well so our home look vintage, however is it extremely obligatory to change the whole furniture in light of the fact that the Color isn’t coordinating?

No. Truly you heard me right, since you changed the shade of your divider you don’t need to change the entire couch since you can simply change the upholstery and utilize the regular old couch which you like the most.

Here we vintage lounger giving you the best quality support of make your life simple and tasteful. In this day and age changing furniture over and over is beyond the realm of imagination so you can simply fix your couch with upholstery change, restoring and make it new once more in truly pocket inviting spending plan.

